Sunday 29 May 2011

Deep in my heart...

There's not a moment in which i didn't think of you...
there's not a moment in which i didn't wait for you...

Every night on my bed as i close my eyes
i slip into my imaginations and
there flashes a beautiful scene infront of my eyes...
"You and me sitting beside each other on the top of a hill
with waterfalls on the left...
snowmountains on the right...
narrow rivers on the bottom of hill...
you staring at the bluish sky infront of...
cool breezes touching the skin now and then...
each raindrop touching forehead and chuckling slightly...

My head resting on your shoulder...
my arm holding your arm tightly...
my worried face as if iam gonna loose you...
your smiling face which conveys that you are gonna stay with me till my last breath...<3"

All this happens and vanishes within an eye-blink...
i sit up on my bed suddenly panicing for my situation...:-(

It would have been better if i was alone...
but you left me lonely...

Deep in my heart,your absence is making me feel incomplete...<3